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TCK Results, Eclipse XML Binding 3.0

As required by the Eclipse Foundation Technology Compatibility Kit License, following is a summary of the TCK results for release of Eclipse GlassFish 6.0.

Eclipse XML Binding Implementation, Certification Summary

  • Product Name, Version and download URL (if applicable):
    Eclipse GlassFish 6, provides XML Binding 3.0, included in Eclipse GlassFish 6.0.0-RC2
    Eclipse GlassFish Downloads

  • Specification Name, Version and download URL:
    Jakarta XML Binding 3.0

  • TCK Version, digital SHA-256 fingerprint and download URL:
    Jakarta XML Binding 3.0, TCK, SHA-256: 4ee5f5c12edf5212c7fe16f0a51e74ae48c7b7a72ffc40450dfdb07204fb5c0b

  • Public URL of TCK Results Summary:
    TCK results summary

  • Any Additional Specification Certification Requirements:

  • Java runtime used to run the implementation:
    Oracle JDK 1.8.0_191

  • Summary of the information for the certification environment, operating system, cloud, …:
    Linux Centos 7

Test results: (from home/jenkins/agent/workspace/jaxb-tck_master/JAXB_REPORT/JAXB-TCK/html/report.html)

Keyword Passed Total
bindinfo document positive 75 75
bindinfo empty_output positive schema 2 2
bindinfo negative schema 11 11
bindinfo positive schema 48 48
cttest positive runtime 1 1
document positive 5070 5070
document positive runtime 195 195
document positive validation_checker 5613 5613
empty_output java_to_schema jaxb positive runtime 2 2
empty_output jaxb positive rtgen runtime 2 2
empty_output positive schema 25 25
java_to_schema jaxb negative runtime 22 22
java_to_schema jaxb positive runtime 309 309
jaxb positive rtgen runtime 308 308
jaxb positive runtime 1 1
jaxb rtgen runtime 22 22
negative schema 2678 2678
positive runtime 16 16
positive schema 10224 10224
runtime 4 4
Total 24628 24628

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