Product Name, Version and download URL (if applicable):
Eclipse GlassFish 6.0
Includes Interceptors 2.0
Specification Name, Version and download URL:
Jakarta Interceptors 2.0
TCK Version, digital SHA-256 fingerprint and download URL:
Jakarta EE 9.0 Platform TCK 9.0-RC1, SHA-256: 75b2493a117e7f8fe775cc7e2e8a605a203611895091f4bb9aaabed57f813392
Public URL of TCK Results Summary:
There is no stand-alone TCK for this specification. See Full Platform CTS for results.
TCK results summary
Any Additional Specification Certification Requirements:
Java runtime used to run the implementation:
Oracle JDK 1.8.0_191
Summary of the information for the certification environment, operating system, cloud, …:
Linux Centos 7