Eclipse GlassFish

Embedded Server Guide

Release 7

Contributed 2018 - 2024

This document explains how to run applications in embedded Eclipse GlassFish and to develop applications in which Eclipse GlassFish is embedded. This document is for software developers who are developing applications to run in embedded Eclipse GlassFish. The ability to program in the Java language is assumed.

Note: The main thrust of the Eclipse GlassFish 7 release is to provide an application server for developers to explore and begin exploiting the new and updated technologies in the Jakarta EE 10 platform. Thus, the embedded server feature of Eclipse GlassFish was not a focus of this release. This feature is included in the release, but it may not function properly with some of the new features added in support of the Jakarta EE 10 platform.

Eclipse GlassFish Embedded Server Guide, Release 7

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This documentation is part of the Java Enterprise Edition contribution to the Eclipse Foundation and is not intended for use in relation to Java Enterprise Edition or Orace GlassFish. The documentation is in the process of being revised to reflect the new Jakarta EE branding. Additional changes will be made as requirements and procedures evolve for Jakarta EE. Where applicable, references to Jakarta EE or Java Enterprise Edition should be considered references to Jakarta EE.

Please see the Title page for additional license information.

This document explains how to run applications in embedded Eclipse GlassFish and to develop applications in which Eclipse GlassFish is embedded. This document is for software developers who are developing applications to run in embedded Eclipse GlassFish. The ability to program in the Java language is assumed.

This preface contains information about and conventions for the entire Eclipse GlassFish (Eclipse GlassFish) documentation set.

Eclipse GlassFish 7 is developed through the GlassFish project open-source community at The GlassFish project provides a structured process for developing the Eclipse GlassFish platform that makes the new features of the Jakarta EE platform available faster, while maintaining the most important feature of Jakarta EE: compatibility. It enables Java developers to access the Eclipse GlassFish source code and to contribute to the development of the Eclipse GlassFish.

The following topics are addressed here:

Eclipse GlassFish Documentation Set

The Eclipse GlassFish documentation set describes deployment planning and system installation. For an introduction to Eclipse GlassFish, refer to the books in the order in which they are listed in the following table.

Book Title Description

Release Notes

Provides late-breaking information about the software and the documentation and includes a comprehensive, table-based summary of the supported hardware, operating system, Java Development Kit (JDK), and database drivers.

Quick Start Guide

Explains how to get started with the Eclipse GlassFish product.

Installation Guide

Explains how to install the software and its components.

Upgrade Guide

Explains how to upgrade to the latest version of Eclipse GlassFish. This guide also describes differences between adjacent product releases and configuration options that can result in incompatibility with the product specifications.

Deployment Planning Guide

Explains how to build a production deployment of Eclipse GlassFish that meets the requirements of your system and enterprise.

Administration Guide

Explains how to configure, monitor, and manage Eclipse GlassFish subsystems and components from the command line by using the asadmin(1M) utility. Instructions for performing these tasks from the Administration Console are provided in the Administration Console online help.

Security Guide

Provides instructions for configuring and administering Eclipse GlassFish security.

Application Deployment Guide

Explains how to assemble and deploy applications to the Eclipse GlassFish and provides information about deployment descriptors.

Application Development Guide

Explains how to create and implement Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Jakarta EE platform) applications that are intended to run on the Eclipse GlassFish. These applications follow the open Java standards model for Jakarta EE components and application programmer interfaces (APIs). This guide provides information about developer tools, security, and debugging.

Add-On Component Development Guide

Explains how to use published interfaces of Eclipse GlassFish to develop add-on components for Eclipse GlassFish. This document explains how to perform only those tasks that ensure that the add-on component is suitable for Eclipse GlassFish.

Embedded Server Guide

Explains how to run applications in embedded Eclipse GlassFish and to develop applications in which Eclipse GlassFish is embedded.

High Availability Administration Guide

Explains how to configure Eclipse GlassFish to provide higher availability and scalability through failover and load balancing.

Performance Tuning Guide

Explains how to optimize the performance of Eclipse GlassFish.

Troubleshooting Guide

Describes common problems that you might encounter when using Eclipse GlassFish and explains how to solve them.

Error Message Reference

Describes error messages that you might encounter when using Eclipse GlassFish.

Reference Manual

Provides reference information in man page format for Eclipse GlassFish administration commands, utility commands, and related concepts.

Message Queue Release Notes

Describes new features, compatibility issues, and existing bugs for Open Message Queue.

Message Queue Technical Overview

Provides an introduction to the technology, concepts, architecture, capabilities, and features of the Message Queue messaging service.

Message Queue Administration Guide

Explains how to set up and manage a Message Queue messaging system.

Message Queue Developer’s Guide for JMX Clients

Describes the application programming interface in Message Queue for programmatically configuring and monitoring Message Queue resources in conformance with the Java Management Extensions (JMX).

Message Queue Developer’s Guide for Java Clients

Provides information about concepts and procedures for developing Java messaging applications (Java clients) that work with Eclipse GlassFish.

Message Queue Developer’s Guide for C Clients

Provides programming and reference information for developers working with Message Queue who want to use the C language binding to the Message Queue messaging service to send, receive, and process Message Queue messages.

The following tutorials explain how to develop Jakarta EE applications:

  • Your First Cup: An Introduction to the Jakarta EE Platform. For beginning Jakarta EE programmers, this short tutorial explains the entire process for developing a simple enterprise application. The sample application is a web application that consists of a component that is based on the Enterprise JavaBeans specification, a JAX-RS web service, and a JavaServer Faces component for the web front end.

  • The Jakarta EE Tutorial. This comprehensive tutorial explains how to use Jakarta EE platform technologies and APIs to develop Jakarta EE applications.

Javadoc tool reference documentation for packages that are provided with Eclipse GlassFish is available as follows.

  • The Jakarta EE specifications and API specification is located at

  • The API specification for Eclipse GlassFish 7, including Jakarta EE platform packages and nonplatform packages that are specific to the Eclipse GlassFish product, is located at

For information about creating enterprise applications in the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE), see the NetBeans Documentation, Training & Support page.

For information about the Derby database for use with the Eclipse GlassFish, see the Derby page.

The Jakarta EE Samples project is a collection of sample applications that demonstrate a broad range of Jakarta EE technologies. The Jakarta EE Samples are bundled with the Jakarta EE Software Development Kit (SDK) and are also available from the repository (

Typographic Conventions

The following table describes the typographic changes that are used in this book.

Typeface Meaning Example


The names of commands, files, and directories, and onscreen computer output

Edit your .login file.

Use ls a to list all files.

machine_name% you have mail.


What you type, contrasted with onscreen computer output

machine_name% su



A placeholder to be replaced with a real name or value

The command to remove a file is rm filename.


Book titles, new terms, and terms to be emphasized (note that some emphasized items appear bold online)

Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide.

A cache is a copy that is stored locally.

Do not save the file.

Symbol Conventions

The following table explains symbols that might be used in this book.

Symbol Description Example Meaning

[ ]

Contains optional arguments and command options.

ls [-l]

The -l option is not required.

{ | }

Contains a set of choices for a required command option.

-d {y|n}

The -d option requires that you use either the y argument or the n argument.

${ }

Indicates a variable reference.


References the value of the com.sun.javaRoot variable.


Joins simultaneous multiple keystrokes.


Press the Control key while you press the A key.


Joins consecutive multiple keystrokes.


Press the Control key, release it, and then press the subsequent keys.


Indicates menu item selection in a graphical user interface.

File > New > Templates

From the File menu, choose New. From the New submenu, choose Templates.

Default Paths and File Names

The following table describes the default paths and file names that are used in this book.

Placeholder Description Default Value


Represents the base installation directory for Eclipse GlassFish. In configuration files, as-install is represented as follows: ${com.sun.aas.installRoot}

  • Installations on the Oracle Solaris operating system, Linux operating system, and Mac OS operating system:


  • Installations on the Windows operating system:



Represents the parent of the base installation directory for Eclipse GlassFish.

  • Installations on the Oracle Solaris operating system, Linux operating system, and Mac operating system:


  • Installations on the Windows operating system:



Represents the directory in which a domain is created by default.



Represents the directory in which a domain’s configuration is stored. In configuration files, domain-dir is represented as follows: ${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}



Represents the directory for a server instance.


1 Eclipse GlassFish 7 Embedded Server Guide

This document explains how to run applications in embedded Eclipse GlassFish and to develop applications in which Eclipse GlassFish is embedded. This document is for software developers who are developing applications to run in embedded Eclipse GlassFish. The ability to program in the Java language is assumed.

The following topics are addressed here:

Introduction to Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

Embedded Eclipse GlassFish enables you to use Eclipse GlassFish as a library. Embedded Eclipse GlassFish also enables you to run Eclipse GlassFish inside any Virtual Machine for the Java platform (Java Virtual Machine or JVMmachine).

No installation or configuration of embedded Eclipse GlassFish is required. The ability to run Eclipse GlassFish inside applications without installation or configuration simplifies the process of bundling Eclipse GlassFish with applications.

Embedded Eclipse GlassFish does not run on the Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME platform).

You can use embedded Eclipse GlassFish in the following ways:

Embedded Eclipse GlassFish provides a plug-in for Apache Maven ( This plug-in simplifies the testing of applications by enabling you to build an application and run it with Eclipse GlassFish on a single system. Testing and debugging are simplified because the need for an installed and configured Eclipse GlassFish is eliminated. Therefore, you can run unit tests automatically in every build.

For information on how to embed Eclipse GlassFish in an OSGi environment, see the Eclipse GlassFish Add-On Component Development Guide.

Embedded Eclipse GlassFish File System

The following Embedded Eclipse GlassFish directories and files are important if you are referencing a nonembedded installation of Eclipse GlassFish:

Installation Root Directory

The installation root directory, represented as as-install, is the parent of the directory that embedded Eclipse GlassFish uses for configuration files. This directory corresponds to the base directory for an installation of Eclipse GlassFish. Configuration files are contained in the following directories in the base directory for an installation of Eclipse GlassFish:

  • domains

  • lib

Specify the installation root directory only if you have a valid nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish installation and are using glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar.

Instance Root Directory

The instance root directory, represented as domain-dir, is the parent directory of a server instance directory. Embedded Eclipse GlassFish uses the server instance directory for domain configuration files.

Specify the instance root directory only if you have a valid nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish domain directory and are using glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar.

If you have valid nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish as-install and domain-dir directories, specify both in the BootstrapProperties and GlassFishProperties classes respectively as described in Creating and Configuring an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

If domain-dir is not specified, Eclipse GlassFish creates a directory named gfembedrandom-numbertmp in a temporary directory, where random-number is a randomly generated 19-digit number. Eclipse GlassFish then copies configuration files into this directory. The temporary directory is the value of the system property You can override this value by specifying the glassfish.embedded.tmpdir property in the GlassFishProperties class or as a system property.

The domain.xml File

Using an existing domain.xml file avoids the need to configure embedded Eclipse GlassFish programmatically in your application. Your application obtains domain configuration data from an existing domain.xml file. You can create this file by using the administrative interfaces of an installation of nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish. To specify an existing domain.xml file, invoke the setConfigFileURI method of the GlassFishProperties class as described in Creating and Configuring an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

The built-in domain.xml file used by default by Embedded Eclipse GlassFish can be downloaded from You can customize this file and pass it in using the setConfigFileURI method while creating an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

Including the Eclipse GlassFish Embedded Server API in Applications

Eclipse GlassFish provides an application programming interface (API) for developing applications in which Eclipse GlassFish is embedded. For details, see the org.glassfish.embeddable packages at

The following topics are addressed here:

Setting the Class Path

To enable your applications to locate the class libraries for embedded Eclipse GlassFish, add one of the following JAR files to your class path:


Corresponds to the nucleus distribution. Download this file from


Contains classes needed for deploying Jakarta EE web applications. Download this file from


Contains classes needed for deploying all Jakarta EE application types. Download this file from


Contains references to classes needed for deploying all Jakarta EE application types. Must be used with a nonembedded installation of Eclipse GlassFish. Reference this file from the as-install/lib/embedded directory of a nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish installation. Do not move this file or it will not work. For an explanation of as-install, see Installation Root Directory.

Eclipse GlassFish only supports use of the glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar file. The other files are part of Eclipse GlassFish and are offered without official support.

In addition, add to the class path any other JAR files or classes upon which your applications depend. For example, if an application uses a database other than Java DB, include the Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) driver JAR files in the class path.

Creating, Starting, and Stopping Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

Before you can run applications, you must set up and run the embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

The following topics are addressed here:

Creating and Configuring an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

To create and configure an embedded Eclipse GlassFish, perform these tasks:

  1. Instantiate the org.glassfish.embeddable.BootstrapProperties class.

  2. Invoke any methods for configuration settings that you require. This is optional.

  3. Invoke the GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap() or GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap(BootstrapProperties) method to create a GlassFishRuntime object.

  4. Instantiate the org.glassfish.embeddable.GlassFishProperties class.

  5. Invoke any methods for configuration settings that you require. This is optional.

  6. Invoke the glassfishRuntime.newGlassFish(GlassFishProperties) method to create a GlassFish object.

The methods of the BootstrapProperties class for setting the server configuration are listed in the following table. The default value of each configuration setting is also listed.

Table 1-1 Methods of the BootstrapProperties Class

Purpose Method Default Value

References an existing Installation Root Directory, also called as-install

setInstallRoot(String as-install)

None. If glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar is used, the Installation Root Directory is automatically determined and need not be specified.

The methods of the GlassFishProperties class for setting the server configuration are listed in the following table. The default value of each configuration setting is also listed.

Table 1-2 Methods of the GlassFishProperties Class

Purpose Method Default Value

References an existing Instance Root Directory, also called domain-dir

setInstanceRoot(String domain-dir)

In order of precedence:

  • glassfish.embedded.tmpdir property value specified in GlassFishProperties object

  • glassfish.embedded.tmpdir system property value

  • system property value

  • as-install/domains/domain1 if a nonembedded installation is referenced

Creates a new or references an existing configuration file

setConfigFileURI(String configFileURI)

In order of precedence:

  • domain-dir/config/domain.xml if domain-dir was set using setInstanceRoot

  • built-in embedded domain.xml

Specifies whether the configuration file is read-only

setConfigFileReadOnly(boolean readOnly)


Sets the port on which Embedded Eclipse GlassFish listens.

setPort(String networkListener, int port)


Do not use setPort if you are using setInstanceRoot or setConfigFileURI.

Example 1-1 Creating an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

This example shows code for creating an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

import org.glassfish.embeddable.*;
    GlassFish glassfish = GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap().newGlassFish();

Example 1-2 Creating an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish with configuration customizations

This example shows code for creating an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish using the existing domain-dir C:\samples\test\applicationserver\domains\domain1.

// ...
import org.glassfish.embeddable.*;
    // ...
    BootstrapProperties bootstrapProperties = new BootstrapProperties();
    GlassFishRuntime glassfishRuntime = GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap(bootstrapProperties);

    GlassFishProperties glassfishProperties = new GlassFishProperties();
    GlassFish glassfish = glassfishRuntime.newGlassFish(glassfishProperties);

    // ...
Running an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

After you create an embedded Eclipse GlassFish as described in Creating and Configuring an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish, you can perform operations such as:

Setting the Port of an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish From an Application

You must set the server’s HTTP or HTTPS port. If you do not set the port, your application fails to start and throws an exception. You can set the port directly or indirectly.

Do not use setPort if you are using setInstanceRoot or setConfigFileURI. These methods set the port indirectly.

  • To set the port directly, invoke the setPort method of the GlassFishProperties object.

  • To set the port indirectly, use a domain.xml file that sets the port. For more information, see The domain.xml File.

Example 1-3 Setting the port of an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

This example shows code for setting the port of an embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

import org.glassfish.embeddable.*;
    GlassFishProperties glassfishProperties = new GlassFishProperties();
    glassfishProperties.setPort("http-listener", 8080);
    glassfishProperties.setPort("https-listener", 8181);

Starting an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish From an Application

To start an embedded Eclipse GlassFish, invoke the start method of the GlassFish object.

Example 1-4 Starting an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

This example shows code for setting the port and starting an embedded Eclipse GlassFish. This example also includes the code from Example 1-1 for creating a GlassFish object.

import org.glassfish.embeddable.*;
    GlassFishProperties glassfishProperties = new GlassFishProperties();
    glassfishProperties.setPort("http-listener", 8080);
    glassfishProperties.setPort("https-listener", 8181);
    GlassFish glassfish = GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap().newGlassFish(glassfishProperties);

Stopping an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish From an Application

The API for embedded Eclipse GlassFish provides a method for stopping an embedded server. Using this method enables your application to stop the server in an orderly fashion by performing any necessary cleanup steps before stopping the server, for example:

  • Undeploying deployed applications

  • Releasing any resources that your application uses

To stop an embedded Eclipse GlassFish, invoke the stop method of an existing GlassFish object.

Example 1-5 Stopping an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

This example shows code for prompting the user to press the Enter key to stop an embedded Eclipse GlassFish. Code for creating a GlassFish object is not shown in this example. For an example of code for creating a GlassFish object, see Example 1-1.

import org.glassfish.embeddable.*;
    System.out.println("Press Enter to stop server");
        // wait for Enter
    glassfish.stop(); // Stop Embedded GlassFish

As an alternative, you can use the dispose method to stop an embedded Eclipse GlassFish and dispose of the temporary file system.

Deploying and Undeploying an Application in an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

Deploying an application installs the files that comprise the application into Embedded Eclipse GlassFish and makes the application ready to run. By default, an application is enabled when it is deployed.

The following topics are addressed here:

For general information about deploying applications in Eclipse GlassFish, see the Eclipse GlassFish Application Deployment Guide.

To Deploy an Application From an Archive File or a Directory

An archive file contains the resources, deployment descriptor, and classes of an application. The content of the file must be organized in the directory structure that the Jakarta EE specifications define for the type of archive that the file contains. For more information, see "Deploying Applications" in Eclipse GlassFish Application Deployment Guide.

Deploying an application from a directory enables you to deploy an application without the need to package the application in an archive file. The contents of the directory must match the contents of the expanded Jakarta EE archive file as laid out by the Eclipse GlassFish. The directory must be accessible to the machine on which the deploying application runs. For more information about the requirements for deploying an application from a directory, see "To Deploy an Application or Module in a Directory Format" in Eclipse GlassFish Application Deployment Guide.

If some of the resources needed by an application are not under the application’s directory, see Creating a Scattered Archive.

  1. Instantiate the class to represent the archive file or directory.

  2. Invoke the getDeployer method of the GlassFish object to get an instance of the org.glassfish.embeddable.Deployer class.

  3. Invoke the deploy(File archive, String…​ params) method of the instance of the Deployer object.
    Specify the class instance you created previously as the first method parameter.
    For information about optional parameters you can set, see the descriptions of the deploy(1) subcommand parameters. Simply quote each parameter in the method, for example "--force=true".

Example 1-6 Deploying an Application From an Archive File

This example shows code for deploying an application from the archive file c:\samples\simple.war and setting the name, contextroot, and force parameters. This example also includes the code from Example 1-1 for creating GlassFishProperties and GlassFish objects.

import org.glassfish.embeddable.*;
    GlassFishProperties glassfishProperties = new GlassFishProperties();
    glassfishProperties.setPort("http-listener", 8080);
    glassfishProperties.setPort("https-listener", 8181);
    GlassFish glassfish = GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap().newGlassFish(glassfishProperties);
    File war = new File("c:\\samples\\simple.war");
    Deployer deployer = glassfish.getDeployer();
    deployer.deploy(war, "--name=simple", "--contextroot=simple", "--force=true");
    // deployer.deploy(war) can be invoked instead. Other parameters are optional.
Undeploying an Application

Undeploy an application when the application is no longer required to run in Eclipse GlassFish. For example, before stopping Eclipse GlassFish, undeploy all applications that are running in Eclipse GlassFish.

If you reference a nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish installation using the glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar file and do not undeploy your applications in the same server life cycle in which you deployed them, expanded archives for these applications remain under the domain-dir/applications directory.

To undeploy an application, invoke the undeploy method of an existing Deployer object. In the method invocation, pass the name of the application as a parameter. This name is specified when the application is deployed.

For information about optional parameters you can set, see the descriptions of the deploy(1) command parameters. Simply quote each parameter in the method, for example "--cascade=true".

To undeploy all deployed applications, invoke the undeployAll method of an existing EmbeddedDeployer object. This method takes no parameters.

Example 1-7 Undeploying an Application

This example shows code for undeploying the application that was deployed in Example 1-6.

import org.glassfish.embeddable.*;
    deployer.undeploy(war, "--droptables=true", "--cascade=true");
Creating a Scattered Archive

Deploying a module from a scattered archive (WAR or JAR) enables you to deploy an unpackaged module whose resources, deployment descriptor, and classes are in any location. Deploying a module from a scattered archive simplifies the testing of a module during development, especially if all the items that the module requires are not available to be packaged.

In a scattered archive, these items are not required to be organized in a specific directory structure. Therefore, you must specify the location of the module’s resources, deployment descriptor, and classes when deploying the module.

To create a scattered archive, perform these tasks:

  1. Instantiate the org.glassfish.embeddable.archive.ScatteredArchive class.

  2. Invoke the addClassPath and addMetadata methods if you require them.

  3. Invoke the toURI method to deploy the scattered archive.

The methods of this class for setting the scattered archive configuration are listed in the following table. The default value of each configuration setting is also listed.

Table 1-3 Constructors and Methods of the ScatteredArchive Class

Purpose Method Default Value

Creates and names a scattered archive

ScatteredArchive(String name, ScatteredArchive.Type type)


Creates and names a scattered archive based on a top-level directory. If the entire module is organized under the topDir, this is the only method necessary. The topDir can be null if other methods specify the remaining parts of the module.

ScatteredArchive(String name, ScatteredArchive.Type type, File topDir)


Adds a directory to the classes classpath

addClassPath(File path)


Adds a metadata locator

addMetaData(File path)


Adds and names a metadata locator

addMetaData(File path, String name)


Gets the deployable URI for this scattered archive



Example 1-8 Deploying an Application From a Scattered Archive

This example shows code for creating a WAR file and using the addClassPath and addMetadata methods. This example also includes the code from Example 1-6 for deploying an application from an archive file.

import org.glassfish.embeddable.*;
    GlassFishProperties glassfishProperties = new GlassFishProperties();
    glassfishProperties.setPort("http-listener", 9090);
    GlassFish glassfish = GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap().newGlassFish(glassfishProperties);
    Deployer deployer = glassfish.getDeployer();
    ScatteredArchive archive = new ScatteredArchive("testapp", ScatteredArchive.Type.WAR);
    // target/classes directory contains complied servlets
    archive.addClassPath(new File("target", "classes"));
    // resources/sun-web.xml is the WEB-INF/sun-web.xml
    archive.addMetadata(new File("resources", "sun-web.xml"));
    // resources/web.xml is the WEB-INF/web.xml
    archive.addMetadata(new File("resources", "web.xml"));
    // Deploy the scattered web archive.
    String appName = deployer.deploy(archive.toURI(), "--contextroot=hello");

Creating a Scattered Enterprise Archive

Deploying an application from a scattered enterprise archive (EAR) enables you to deploy an unpackaged application whose resources, deployment descriptor, and classes are in any location. Deploying an application from a scattered archive simplifies the testing of an application during development, especially if all the items that the application requires are not available to be packaged.

In a scattered archive, these items are not required to be organized in a specific directory structure. Therefore, you must specify the location of the application’s resources, deployment descriptor, and classes when deploying the application.

To create a scattered enterprise archive, perform these tasks:

  1. Instantiate the org.glassfish.embeddable.archive.ScatteredEnterpriseArchive class.

  2. Invoke the addArchive and addMetadata methods if you require them.

  3. Invoke the toURI method to deploy the scattered enterprise archive.

The methods of this class for setting the scattered enterprise archive configuration are listed in the following table. The default value of each configuration setting is also listed.

Table 1-4 Constructors and Methods of the ScatteredEnterpriseArchive Class

Purpose Method Default Value

Creates and names a scattered enterprise archive

ScatteredEnterpriseArchive(String name)


Adds a module or library

addArchive(File archive)


Adds a module or library

addArchive(File archive, String name)


Adds a module or library

addArchive(URI URI)


Adds a module or library

addArchive(URI URI, String name)


Adds a metadata locator

addMetaData(File path)


Adds and names a metadata locator

addMetaData(File path, String name)


Gets the deployable URI for this scattered archive



Example 1-9 Deploying an Application From a Scattered Enterprise Archive

This example shows code for creating an EAR file and using the addArchive and addMetadata methods. This example also includes code similar toExample 1-8 for creating a scattered archive.

import org.glassfish.embeddable.*;
    GlassFishProperties glassfishProperties = new GlassFishProperties();
    glassfishProperties.setPort("http-listener", 9090);
    GlassFish glassfish = GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap().newGlassFish(glassfishProperties);
    Deployer deployer = glassfish.getDeployer();

    // Create a scattered web application.
    ScatteredArchive webmodule = new ScatteredArchive("testweb", ScatteredArchive.Type.WAR);
    // target/classes directory contains my complied servlets
    webmodule.addClassPath(new File("target", "classes"));
    // resources/sun-web.xml is my WEB-INF/sun-web.xml
    webmodule.addMetadata(new File("resources", "sun-web.xml"));

    // Create a scattered enterprise archive.
    ScatteredEnterpriseArchive archive = new ScatteredEnterpriseArchive("testapp");
    // src/application.xml is my META-INF/application.xml
    archive.addMetadata(new File("src", "application.xml"));
    // Add scattered web module to the scattered enterprise archive.
    // src/application.xml references Web module as "scattered.war".
    //Hence specify the name while adding the archive.
    archive.addArchive(webmodule.toURI(), "scattered.war");
    // lib/mylibrary.jar is a library JAR file.
    archive.addArchive(new File("lib", "mylibrary.jar"));
    // target/ejbclasses contain my compiled EJB module.
    // src/application.xml references EJB module as "ejb.jar".
    //Hence specify the name while adding the archive.
    archive.addArchive(new File("target", "ejbclasses"), "ejb.jar");

    // Deploy the scattered enterprise archive.
    String appName = deployer.deploy(archive.toURI());


Running asadmin Commands Using the Eclipse GlassFish Embedded Server ==== API

Running asadmin commands from an application enables the application to configure the embedded Eclipse GlassFish to suit the application’s requirements. For example, an application can run the required asadmin commands to create a JDBC technology connection to a database.

For more information about configuring embedded Eclipse GlassFish, see the Eclipse GlassFish Administration Guide. For detailed information about asadmin commands, see Section 1 of the Eclipse GlassFish Reference Manual.

Ensure that your application has started an embedded Eclipse GlassFish before the application attempts to run asadmin commands. For more information, see Running an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

The org.glassfish.embeddable package contains classes that you can use to run asadmin commands. Use the following code examples as templates and change the command name, parameter names, and parameter values as needed.

Example 1-10 Running an asadmin create-jdbc-resource Command

This example shows code for running an asadmin create-jdbc-resource command. Code for creating and starting the server is not shown in this example. For an example of code for creating and starting the server, see Example 1-4.

import org.glassfish.embeddable.*;
    String command = "create-jdbc-resource";
    String poolid = "--connectionpoolid=DerbyPool";
    String dbname = "jdbc/DerbyPool";
    CommandRunner commandRunner = glassfish.getCommandRunner();
    CommandResult commandResult =, poolid, dbname);

Example 1-11 Running an asadmin set-log-level Command

This example shows code for running an asadmin set-log-level command. Code for creating and starting the server is not shown in this example. For an example of code for creating and starting the server, see Example 1-4.

import org.glassfish.embeddable.*;
    String command = "set-log-level";
    String weblevel = "jakarta.enterprise.system.container.web=FINE";
    CommandRunner commandRunner = glassfish.getCommandRunner();
    CommandResult commandResult =, weblevel);

For another way to change log levels, see Changing Log Levels in Embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

Sample Applications

Example 1-12 Using an Existing domain.xml File and Deploying an Application From an Archive File

This example shows code for the following:

  • Using the existing file c:\myapp\embeddedserver\domains\domain1\config\domain.xml and preserving this file when the application is stopped.

  • Deploying an application from the archive file c:\samples\simple.war.

import org.glassfish.embeddable.*;

public class Main {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        File configFile = new File ("c:\\myapp\\embeddedserver\\domains\\domain1\\config\\domain.xml");
        File war = new File("c:\\samples\\simple.war");
        try {
            GlassFishRuntime glassfishRuntime = GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap();
            GlassFishProperties glassfishProperties = new GlassFishProperties();
            GlassFish glassfish = glassfishRuntime.newGlassFish(glassfishProperties);

            Deployer deployer = glassfish.getDeployer();
            deployer.deploy(war, "--force=true");
        catch (Exception e) {

        System.out.println("Press Enter to stop server");
        // wait for Enter
        new BufferedReader(new;
        try {
        catch (Exception e) {

Testing Applications with the Maven Plug-in for Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

If you are using Apache Maven (, the plug-in for embedded Eclipse GlassFish simplifies the testing of applications. This plug-in enables you to build and start an unpackaged application with a single Maven goal.

The following topics are addressed here:

Predefined Maven goals for embedded Eclipse GlassFish are described in Maven Goals for Embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

To use Maven with Embedded Eclipse GlassFish and the EJB 3.1 Embeddable API, see Using Maven with the EJB 3.1 Embeddable API and Embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

To Set Up Your Maven Environment

Setting up your Maven environment enables Maven to download the required embedded Eclipse GlassFish distribution file when you build your project. Setting up your Maven environment also identifies the plug-in that enables you to build and start an unpackaged application with a single Maven goal.

Before You Begin

Ensure that Apache Maven ( is installed.

  1. Identify the Maven plug-in for embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

    Add the following plugin element to your POM file:


    The version to use. The version of the final promoted build for this release is 3.1.1. The Maven plug-in is not bound to a specific version of Eclipse GlassFish. You can specify the version you want to use. If no version is specified, a default version is used.

  2. Configure the the path to the application WAR, and other standard settings.

    Add the following configuration element to your POM file:


    In the app parameter, substitute the archive file or directory for your application. The optional port, contextRoot, and autoDelete parameters show example values. For details, see Maven Goals for Embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

  3. Perform advanced plug-in configuration. This step is optional. Add the following configuration element to your POM file:

  4. Configure Maven goals. Add execution elements to your POM file:


    The goal to use. See Maven Goals for Embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

  5. Configure the repository. Add the following repository element to your POM file:

            <name> Repository for Maven</name>

Example 1-13 POM File for Configuring Maven to Use Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

This example shows a POM file for configuring Maven to use embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Line breaks in the following element are for readability purposes only
<project xmlns=""

  <name>Maven test</name>
          <name> Repository for Maven</name>

To Build and Start an Application From Maven

If you are using Maven to manage the development of your application, you can use a Maven goal to build and start the application in embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

Before You Begin

Ensure that your Maven environment is configured, as described in To Set Up Your Maven Environment.

  1. Include the path to the Maven executable file mvn in your path statement.

  2. Ensure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is defined.

  3. Create a directory for the Maven project for your application.

  4. Copy to your project directory the POM file that you created in To Set Up Your Maven Environment.

  5. Run the following command in your project directory:

    mvn install

    This command performs the following actions:

    • Installs the Maven repository in a directory named .m2 under your home directory.

    • Starts Embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

    • Deploys your application.

      The application continues to run in Embedded Eclipse GlassFish until Embedded Eclipse GlassFish is stopped.

To Stop Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

  1. Change to the root directory of the Maven project for your application.

  2. Run the Maven goal to stop the application in embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

    mvn embedded-glassfish:stop

    This runs the stop method of the GlassFish object and any other methods that are required to shut down the server in an orderly fashion. See Stopping an Embedded Eclipse GlassFish From an Application.

To Redeploy an Application That Was Built and Started From Maven

An application that was built and started from Maven continues to run in Embedded Eclipse GlassFish until Embedded Eclipse GlassFish is stopped. While the application is running, you can test changes to the application by redeploying it.

To redeploy, in the window from where the application was built and started from Maven, press Enter.

Maven Goals for Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

You can use the following Maven goals to test your applications with embedded Eclipse GlassFish:

embedded-glassfish:run Goal

This goal starts the server and deploys an application. You can redeploy if you change the application. The application can be a packaged archive or a directory that contains an exploded application. You can set the parameters described in the following table.

Table 1-5 embedded-glassfish:run Parameters

Parameter Default Description



The archive file or directory for the application to be deployed.



(optional) The ID of the server to start.



(optional) The container to start: web, ejb, jpa, or all.



(optional) The Installation Root Directory.


In order of precedence:

  • glassfish.embedded.tmpdir property value specified in GlassFishProperties object

  • glassfish.embedded.tmpdir system property value

  • system property value

  • as-install/domains/domain1 if a nonembedded installation is referenced

(optional) The Instance Root Directory



(optional) The configuration file.


None. Must be set explicitly or defined in the configuration file.

The HTTP or HTTPS port.


In order of precedence:

  • The application-name or module-name in the deployment descriptor.

  • The name of the archive file without the extension or the directory name.

For more information, see "Naming Standards" in Eclipse GlassFish Application Deployment Guide.

(optional) The name of the application.


The name of the application.

(optional) The context root of the application.



(optional) If true, JSP pages are precompiled during deployment.



(optional) The name of the database vendor for which tables can be created. Allowed values are javadb, db2, mssql, mysql, oracle, postgresql, pointbase, derby (also for CloudScape), and sybase, case-insensitive.


Value of the create-tables-at-deploy attribute in sun-ejb-jar.xml.

(optional) If true, creates database tables during deployment for beans that are automatically mapped by the EJB container.


Value of the drop-tables-at-undeploy attribute in sun-ejb-jar.xml.

(optional) If true, and deployment and undeployment occur in the same JVM session, database tables that were automatically created when the bean(s) were deployed are dropped when the bean(s) are undeployed.

If true, the name parameter must be specified or tables may not be dropped.



(optional) If true, deletes the contents of the Instance Root Directory when the server is stopped.

Caution: Do not set autoDelete to true if you are using installRoot to refer to a preexisting Eclipse GlassFish installation.

embedded-glassfish:start Goal

This goal starts the server. You can set the parameters described in the following table.

Table 1-6 embedded-glassfish:start Parameters

Parameter Default Description



(optional) The ID of the server to start.



(optional) The container to start: web, ejb, jpa, or all.



(optional) The Installation Root Directory.


In order of precedence:

  • glassfish.embedded.tmpdir system property value

  • system property value

  • as-install/domains/domain1

(optional) The Instance Root Directory



(optional) The configuration file.


None. Must be set explicitly or defined in the configuration file.

The HTTP or HTTPS port.



(optional) If true, deletes the contents of the Instance Root Directory when the server is stopped.

Caution: Do not set autoDelete to true if you are using installRoot to refer to a preexisting Eclipse GlassFish installation.

embedded-glassfish:deploy Goal

This goal deploys an application. You can redeploy if you change the application. The application can be a packaged archive or a directory that contains an exploded application. You can set the parameters described in the following table.

Table 1-7 embedded-glassfish:deploy Parameters

Parameter Default Description



The archive file or directory for the application to be deployed.



(optional) The ID of the server to start.


In order of precedence:

  • The application-name or module-name in the deployment descriptor.

  • The name of the archive file without the extension or the directory name.

For more information, see "Naming Standards" in Eclipse GlassFish Application Deployment Guide.

(optional) The name of the application.


The name of the application.

(optional) The context root of the application.



(optional) If true, JSP pages are precompiled during deployment.



(optional) The name of the database vendor for which tables can be created. Allowed values are javadb, db2, mssql, oracle, postgresql, pointbase, derby (also for CloudScape), and sybase, case-insensitive.


Value of the create-tables-at-deploy attribute in sun-ejb-jar.xml.

(optional) If true, creates database tables during deployment for beans that are automatically mapped by the EJB container.

embedded-glassfish:undeploy Goal

If you reference a nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish installation using the glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar file and do not undeploy your applications in the same server life cycle in which you deployed them, expanded archives for these applications remain under the domain-dir/applications directory.

This goal undeploys an application. You can set the parameters described in the following table.

Table 1-8 embedded-glassfish:undeploy Parameters

Parameter Default Description


If the name is omitted, all applications are undeployed.

The name of the application.



(optional) The ID of the server to start.


Value of the drop-tables-at-undeploy attribute in sun-ejb-jar.xml.

(optional) If true, and deployment and undeployment occur in the same JVM session, database tables that were automatically created when the bean(s) were deployed are dropped when the bean(s) are undeployed.

If true, the name parameter must be specified or tables may not be dropped.



(optional) If true, deletes all connection pools and connector resources associated with the resource adapter being undeployed.

If false, undeployment fails if any pools or resources are still associated with the resource adapter.

This attribute is applicable to connectors (resource adapters) and applications with connector modules.

embedded-glassfish:stop Goal

This goal stops the server. You can set the parameters described in the following table.

Table 1-9 embedded-glassfish:stop Parameters

Parameter Default Description



(optional) The ID of the server to stop.

embedded-glassfish:admin Goal

This goal runs a Eclipse GlassFish administration command. You must use either the command and commandParameters parameters in combination or the commandLine parameter. For more information about administration commands, see the Eclipse GlassFish Reference Manual. You can set the parameters described in the following table.

Table 1-10 embedded-glassfish:start Parameters

Parameter Default Description



(optional) The ID of the server on which to run the command.



The name of the command, for example createJdbcResource.



A map of the command parameters. See the org.glassfish.embeddable.admin.CommandParameters class at



The full asadmin syntax of the command.

Using the EJB 3.1 Embeddable API with Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

The EJB 3.1 Embeddable API is designed for unit testing of EJB modules. You must use this API with a pre-installed, nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish instance. However, you can take advantage of Embedded Eclipse GlassFish’s ease of use by referencing the nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish instance with the glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar file.

Embedded Eclipse GlassFish is not related to the EJB 3.1 Embeddable API, but you can use these APIs together.

The Maven plug-in does not apply to embeddable EJB applications. However, you can use Maven with the POM file shown in Using Maven with the EJB 3.1 Embeddable API and Embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

The EJB 3.1 Embeddable API supports all EJB 3.1 Lite features with addition of the EJB timer service and testing of EJB modules packaged in a WAR file.

For EJB modules in a WAR file (or an exploded directory), if a web application has one EJB module, and there are no other EJB modules in the classpath, those entries (libraries) are ignored. If there are other EJB modules, a temporary EAR file is created. For EJB modules in a WAR file to be tested, the client code must use EJB modules with interfaces or without annotations. Those EJB modules are not part of the classpath and can’t be loaded by the client class loader.

The following topics are addressed here:

To Use the EJB 3.1 Embeddable API with Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

  1. To specify Eclipse GlassFish as the Container Provider, include glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar or glassfish-embedded-all.jar in the class path of your embeddable EJB application.

    Reference the glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar file from the as-install/lib/embedded directory of a Eclipse GlassFish installation. Do not move this file or it will not work.

    See Setting the Class Path and Section 22.3.3 of the EJB 3.1 Specification, Embeddable Container Bootstrapping.

  2. Configure any required resources.

    For more information about configuring resources, see the Administration Console Online Help or "Resources and Services Administration" in Eclipse GlassFish Administration Guide. The jdbc/__default Java DB database is preconfigured with all distributions of Eclipse GlassFish. However, if you are using glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar, you must start the database manually.

    If your embeddable EJB application uses Java Persistence, you do not need to specify a JDBC resource. See Default Java Persistence Data Source for Embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

  3. Invoke one of the createEJBContainer methods.

    Do not deploy your embeddable EJB application or any of its dependent Jakarta EE modules before invoking one of the createEJBContainer methods. These methods perform deployment in the background and do not load previously deployed applications or modules.

  4. To change the Instance Root Directory, set the org.glassfish.ejb.embedded.glassfish.instance.root system property value by using the createEJBContainer`(Map<?, ?> properties)` method.

    The default Instance Root Directory location is as-install/domains/domain1 if a nonembedded installation is referenced. This system property applies only to embeddable EJB applications used with nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish.

  5. Close the EJB container properly to release all acquired resources and threads.

EJB 3.1 Embeddable API Properties

Properties that can be passed to the EJBContainer#createEJBContainer(Properties) method are summarized in the following table. All properties are in the org.glassfish.ejb.embedded.glassfish package. For example, the full name of the installation.root property is org.glassfish.ejb.embedded.glassfish.installation.root.

Table 1-11 EJB 3.1 Embeddable API Properties

Property Default Description


Eclipse GlassFish installation location from which glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar is referenced

The Installation Root Directory.


In order of precedence:

  • glassfish.embedded.tmpdir property value specified in GlassFishProperties object

  • glassfish.embedded.tmpdir system property value

  • system property value

  • as-install/domains/domain1 if a nonembedded installation is referenced

The Instance Root Directory.



The configuration file.



If true, keeps temporary files (exploded EAR file and configuration file) created by the embedded EJB container when Embedded Eclipse GlassFish is stopped.



Enables the web container if set. Needed for testing web services in a WAR file. The value is ignored and can be an empty string.



If true, no changes are made to the existing configuration file, and a temporary server instance is not created for the embedded run. Instead, execution happens against the existing server instance. Do not use this option if the reused server instance could be in use by the running nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish.



If true, omits modules from the classpath if they are not specified using EJBContainer.MODULES and have a manifest file with a Main-Class attribute.

Using Maven with the EJB 3.1 Embeddable API and Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

When using Maven with the EJB 3.1 Embeddable API and Embedded Eclipse GlassFish, you cannot use the features of the Maven plug-in. You must start and stop Embedded Eclipse GlassFish manually or programmatically outside of Maven.

Example 1-14 Maven POM File for Using the EJB 3.1 Embeddable API with Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

This example shows a POM file for configuring Maven to use the EJB 3.1 Embeddable API with Embedded Eclipse GlassFish.

Line breaks in the following element are for readability purposes only
<project xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <name>Maven test</name>
        The javaee-api is stripped of any code and is just used to compile your
        application. The scope provided in Maven means that it is used for compiling,
        but is also available when testing. For this reason, the javaee-api needs to
        be below the embedded Glassfish dependency. The javaee-api can actually be
        omitted when the embedded Glassfish dependency is included, but to keep your
        project Java-EE 6 rather than GlassFish 3, specification is important.
            <name> Repository for Maven</name>

If you are using glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar, you can omit the dependency element with the javaee-api artifactId and the pluginRepositories element.

Set the S1AS_HOME environment variable to the installation root directory before running the mvn clean verify command.

Changing Log Levels in Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

To change log levels in Embedded Eclipse GlassFish, you can follow the steps in this section or you can use the Embedded Server API as shown in Example 1-11. For more information about Eclipse GlassFish logging, see "Administering the Logging Service" in Eclipse GlassFish Administration Guide.

You can change log levels in Embedded Eclipse GlassFish in either of the following ways:

  • Using the Eclipse GlassFish Embedded Server API

  • Creating a custom logging configuration file

Both these ways use logger names. For a list of logger names, use the list-log-levels subcommand.

Example 1-15 Using the Eclipse GlassFish Embedded Server API

This example shows how to set log levels using the getLogger method in the API.

import org.glassfish.embeddable.*;

// Create Embedded GlassFish
GlassFish glassfish = GlassFishRuntime.bootstrap().newGlassFish();

// Set the log levels. For example, set 'deployment' and 'server' log levels to FINEST

// Start Embedded GlassFish and deploy an application.
// You will see all the FINEST logs printed on the console.
glassfish.getDeployer().deploy(new File("sample.war"));

// Dispose Embedded GlassFish

Example 1-16 Creating a Custom Logging Configuration File

This example shows the contents of a custom logging configuration file,

handlers= java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = FINEST = FINEST
jakarta.enterprise.system.level = FINEST

Pass the name of this custom logging configuration file to the java command when you invoke Embedded Eclipse GlassFish. For example:

java MyEmbeddedGlassFish

Default Java Persistence Data Source for Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

The jdbc/__default Java DB database is preconfigured with Embedded Eclipse GlassFish. It is used when an application is deployed in Embedded Eclipse GlassFish that uses Java Persistence but doesn’t specify a data source. Embedded Eclipse GlassFish uses the embedded Java DB database created in a temporary domain that is destroyed when Embedded Eclipse GlassFish is stopped. You can use a Java DB database configured with nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish if you explicitly specify the instance root directory or the configuration file.

By default, weaving is enabled when the Eclipse GlassFish Embedded Server API is used. To disable weaving, set the org.glassfish.persistence.embedded.weaving.enabled property to false.

Restrictions for Embedded Eclipse GlassFish

The glassfish-embedded-web.jar file for embedded Eclipse GlassFish supports only these features of nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish:

  • The following web technologies of the Jakarta EE platform:

    • Java Servlet API

    • Java Server Pages (JSP) technology

    • Java Server Faces technology

  • JDBC-technology connection pooling

  • Java Persistence API

  • Java Transaction API

  • Java Transaction Service

The glassfish-embedded-all.jar and glassfish-embedded-static-shell.jar files support all features of nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish with these exceptions:

  • Installers

  • Administration Console

  • Update Tool

  • Apache Felix OSGi framework

  • The Maven plug-in for embedded Eclipse GlassFish does not support application clients.

  • Applications that require ports for communication, such as remote EJB components, do not work with the EJB 3.1 Embeddable API running with embedded Eclipse GlassFish if a nonembedded Eclipse GlassFish is running in parallel.

Embedded Eclipse GlassFish requires no installation or configuration. As a result, the following files and directories are absent from the file system until embedded Eclipse GlassFish is started:

  • default-web.xml file

  • domain.xml file

  • Applications directory

  • Instance root directory

When embedded Eclipse GlassFish is started, the base installation directory that Eclipse GlassFish uses depends on the options with which Eclipse GlassFish is started. If necessary, embedded Eclipse GlassFish creates a base installation directory. Embedded Eclipse GlassFish then copies the following directories and their contents from the Java archive (JAR) file in which embedded Eclipse GlassFish is distributed:

  • domains

  • lib

If necessary, Eclipse GlassFish also creates an instance root directory.